I’m ready but not financially! I’ve just started an apprenticeship and I’ve got the coil in luckily so I’ve got to really think about it first. We both want a baby now but it’s best to wait x
I could not think of anything worse 🤣 im holding out for a 3/4 year ish age gap. But a friend of mine is pregnant with a little one the same age and wanted a small age gap. In terms of finance if your not ready dont do it id say, you dont need the stress
Take your time and enjoy your first little one :) that time one on one is so special, I have my second here now and it’s amazing but so much harder to carve out dedicated quality time with each of them, and to make sure the eldest is getting what he needs!
I have a 14 month gap. Initially unplanned haha and tbh I love it. It’s hard in its own right but the shit sleep just stays, when it’s gone it’s actually gone no regressing after getting it back. They’re SO close. They’re obsessed with eachother it’s adroable watching them explore life together. If you have the solid support and some sanity I would absolutely recommend it. It’s daunting sure but it’s worth it
Bigger incentive now you won’t have the huge childcare bill having it after September so the new hours will apply to younger kids so going back after second won’t be as painful as mine financially haha
My second born was born 10 months after I had my first 😂 best thing I ever did. They are now 1 & 9 weeks x
@Georgii I 100% agree. My boys are 10 months apart and I absolutely love it no matter how much it wears me out 🥲😂
My little boy turned 1 on the 7th currently 6-7 weeks pregnant with my second and if I’m honest I’m shitting myself 19month old and newborn however I’m excited to build our family some more….you’ll know when the time is right xx
I do want another one so badly I miss him being so little, he's literally almost half my height now which is absurd
Yes I’ve already got a 3 year old and my second child is just 1 :( i went another so badly
If you haven’t got another little oke you won’t know, but it’s difficult when there’s two, I feel like I’ve missed my little girl transitioning from her toddler to being a kid, Becuase I was so wrapped up in my newborn baby. I really struggled to bond with my little girl for a while when my baby was here
I really don’t have that desire but if you do it’s nice to have them close in age. I need at least 3 years to recover 🤣
Yes!! I am ready but not financially ready! We have agreed to plan for next year 
@Meaghan so are we, it’s breaking me waiting a year
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@Millie I am the same I keep having urges to be like I give up let’s do it now, have to keep reminding myself we would just get ourselves into a pickle if we did and it’s no life to give our children 🤦🏼♀️
@Amy exactly the same!!
If you think you’re both ready, do it! I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant and I’m scared of the work having 2 under 2 but I’m also excited that they’ll be so close in age growing up. My brothers in law are 14 months apart and they have the best relationship, and I’m hoping it for mine too!