When I got pregnant with my second, my pregnancy was wayyy different than my first. I didn’t get sick at all with my second but when I was pregnant with my first, I was throwing up all the time. Every pregnancy you have will be different, I wouldn’t be nervous! I didn’t have any pregnancy symptoms with my second until around 10 weeks.
I did not have symptoms until i was about 6-7 weeks! I knew i was pregnant before symptoms
Wow thank you guys!! This is giving me so much hope!! It’s so funny it’s like you don’t want symptoms but at the same time you do to feel validated 😅
With my first I had so many symptoms right away, but with my current pregnancy I had virtually no symptoms until 6+ weeks
The only reason I knew I was pregnant was extreme fatigue. I never had morning sickness, no cravings until around 20 weeks, felt baby move around 22 weeks.
Every pregnancy different trust me had 5, my first girl I bleed until 16 wks like ad periods. Got sick then.my two other girls had a wks worth sickness at about 9 to 10 wks where I could keep anything down. And my boys only I felt sick from about 6 wks and had sore boob's from about 5 wks and my other I was sick from about 6 wks until about 15 wks yeah jus thin ur self lucky ur sailing through the first part