Does anyone else's toddler constantly ask for food?
My son would eat all day if I let him, is this normal?
He gets decent sized meals and I even give him more at mealtimes now than I used to to try and stop the constant snacking but it doesn't seem to matter.
Every time I go into the kitchen he follows me, unless I put the gate on, then he'll stand at the gate and scream. He'll shout "eat" and "hungry" over and over, and if I give him something he'll eat it so quickly then be running back signing and shouting "more please" and I feel so guilty not giving him something but it can't be normal?? It is constant 🥲
Yes!! I have to close the kitchen door all day unless it’s meal time because he will go in and whine at the cupboard or fridge! He eats 3 meals a day and 3 snacks! and would honestly never stop if I didn’t close the door! If it’s a meal I know he really loves I’ll also have to make a bit extra because he will look for more, last week he ate 3 bowls of bolognaise and was still looking for snacks an hour later 😂