@Autumn im just clinging on to anything for some hope at this point. 🥲 good luck with it all though hope you have a positive and swift birth
Same to you ❤️❤️
I think most people go into labor within 2 weeks of losing it, but of course in pregnancy terminology 2 weeks is a lifetime! Lol It’s definitely a good indicator that things are progressing though, because it wouldn’t be able to fall out if you weren’t at least dilating a little. Best of luck! ☺️😇🙌🏻
It just means your cervix is softening and you are beginning to dilate - but labor could come tomorrow or in a few weeks
this is a really good sign, you might give birth soon! I’m also pregnant with my second and I’m 39 weeks but no signs yet. With my first pregnancy I lost my mucus plug I think a few days before I went into labour, if I remember correctly. It may have also been the morning of the same day. I’m not sure but what I do remember is going to the hospital to get checked after losing my mucus plug as I was telling them it’s a sign of labour, they ignored me and said “no you probably just have a urine infection” 😂😂 Gave me antibiotics and obviously I didn’t take them. Went into labour soon after with back pain and contractions!
With my first I lost mine on a Monday and still hadn’t gone into labour and had to be induced by Saturday
I lost mine two days ago and nothing else has happened since. I don’t think it’s really a good predictor of labor unfortunately 😩