I think i lost my mucus plug last night

Last night i saw a jelly like thick substance when i wiped it didnt feel or look like discharge. This is my second baby and wanted to prepare mentally if that means i will be going into labour soon? Im 39 weeks today. Im curious about others experiences with this from when did you loose your mucus plug did you go in to labour? Especially at a second pregnancy?
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I lost mine two days ago and nothing else has happened since. I don’t think it’s really a good predictor of labor unfortunately 😩

@Autumn im just clinging on to anything for some hope at this point. 🥲 good luck with it all though hope you have a positive and swift birth

Same to you ❤️❤️

I think most people go into labor within 2 weeks of losing it, but of course in pregnancy terminology 2 weeks is a lifetime! Lol It’s definitely a good indicator that things are progressing though, because it wouldn’t be able to fall out if you weren’t at least dilating a little. Best of luck! ☺️😇🙌🏻

It just means your cervix is softening and you are beginning to dilate - but labor could come tomorrow or in a few weeks

this is a really good sign, you might give birth soon! I’m also pregnant with my second and I’m 39 weeks but no signs yet. With my first pregnancy I lost my mucus plug I think a few days before I went into labour, if I remember correctly. It may have also been the morning of the same day. I’m not sure but what I do remember is going to the hospital to get checked after losing my mucus plug as I was telling them it’s a sign of labour, they ignored me and said “no you probably just have a urine infection” 😂😂 Gave me antibiotics and obviously I didn’t take them. Went into labour soon after with back pain and contractions!

With my first I lost mine on a Monday and still hadn’t gone into labour and had to be induced by Saturday

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