Autism or neurodivergent “signs” usually fall within three categories of “deficit” which is rigid/structured thinking and behaviour; differences around social communication and sensory differences. It is rare to be diagnosed under 3 but I’ve seen it at 2.5, because a lot of their behaviour is exploring the world and not deemed inappropriate for their age until after this point. It’s a diagnosis for life, so it needs to be more certain than not that it is neurodivergence
My son never responded to his name he’s 3 and non verbal autistic he’s also never pointed. My oldest son was just a late talker he didn’t speak until nearly 4 years old and he isn’t autistic
My son is also 20 months and has never pointed, doesn’t respond to his name but he also babbles lot, but also does lots of ahhhhhh almost like a vocal stim. So worried for what the future holds
@Caroline I have managed to teach my boy to point. He will only point at bubble machine and now if I hold up a rice cake in one hand and an item I know he won’t want, he will point to the rice cake. He now hand leads me to bubble machine and will now point at it. But that is it with pointing. Have you had any early help involved? X
At that age my son never pointed, he babbled and said mama out of context. He never responded to his name. He’s now 4, non verbal, can say mama bye bye & yay but all out of context, still doesn’t respond to his name, still does not point
Hi, my little one is 2. I noticed around 11 months he was autistic. He is non verbal. He does not respond to his name and does not babble or saying anything at all. He just hums all day. Apparently its his stim to self regulate. I would say your little one saying baba and mama not in context is a great start! I pray my baby boy will one day say mama xx