Venturing out of the house….

Hi all! New here. FTM. My son is 3 months and a few days. I want to get out of the house more with him but he cries and is difficult to soothe when we are away from the house. Tbh, I am nervous too in new environments with him. We are both so new to this! He is also still very sensitive to sunlight. I see people with their babies out all the time and I wish we had that kind of freedom. Maybe he’s still a bit too young? Any tips?
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If he’s sensitive to sun light, maybe take him just into your front yard/close to the house so he can get used to the sun, while still having the option to go back inside if it bothers him?

So many factors to leaving the house with a little one. I’ve found that focusing on what’s in my circle of control eases my mind. I can’t control how my 3 mo old responds, but I can be prepared! I’ve also realized, no one cares if she cries/is fussy. I’m also in control of when it’s time to load up the car and leave which is helpful. Me and baby don’t have to be anywhere we aren’t comfortable, but it’s been so worth it to try and get out! I’ve found that each time we leave the house, I become a little more confident. FTM here as well, if you couldn’t tell!

I agree with Marissa that not too many people get upset with a crying baby. If they do, then they have never been parents themselves. My baby girl is now going through a Teething stage, and my husband and I were at Walmart last week getting groceries, and she kept crying the majority of the time we were there. I had to get him to push her stroller and pull the basket at the same time while I held her and tried to soothe her during our shopping trip. My husband kept insisting that he took her to the car, and I said, "No, it's fine." and anyone that passed by us while she screamed just looked at us in "Awe" as they understood. If it helps, if you are by yourself, then babywear him while you are out so that you can still have your hands free to do things.

As far as the sensitivity to the sun, maybe put him in protective clothing. I would take him outside a little, though, so his body gets used to it, especially because the sun helps prevent jaundice, but if he is completely allergic to the sun, then I would talk to the doctor.

Thank you both so much. I love what you said, Marissa. I can’t control the fussiness and tears but I can be prepared! I may try to get out today and see how it goes. I usually try to get him to sleep first then put him in his stroller. But maybe I should just put him in awake and just go for it lol

Thanks Gwendolyn! I definitely worry that people are looking at us and judging but seems like from what you and others have said, most people get it. I need to get out more for my mental health so I’m going to put your advice to use this week.

@Dev Even though it can be overwhelming, just try not to get too frustrated because they can sense our frustration. The first time, I took her out on my own she was 3 weeks old, and she was in her stroller and then woke up screaming and I had to hold her and push both the basket and stroller until I ditched the basket and put the stuff in the stroller. Make sure you have things for him like a paci, bottle, diapers, but if he is just screaming for no reason, then he just wants you to hold him.... Maybe start small like a coffee shop or park or something where you can just sit and be with him.

Great advice! Thanks @GwendolynI will update y’all to let you know he we do!

I take my baby to the park occasionally. Usually I go during his wake time so he can enjoy it. But I also want to introduce him to restaurants more. I’m meeting with a good friend at a Panera to just see how it goes. And we can easily leave if he gets upset. But he does great other times with friends and their babies.

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