I put baby oil on my little ones head and left it for a couple of hours before his bath and used his soft brush to gently brush it off, did that a few times and it worked a treat x
Frida brush from Amazon x
Aquaphor worked for cradle cap on my little Girl x
Breast milk x
I either put breastmilk or baby oil on his head leave it for a bit then wash it off in the bath and use the soft brush.
My GP recommended coconut oil so I put that on my LO before bed and then use the soft brush on it the next morning
My son had it really bad but I brought the frida silicone brush and mustela shampoo from boots it was £8.50 but it’s been amazing anything I used to use on his head to wash him seemed to make it worse so I would use oil to loosen it then after a few weeks it would be back but I’ve used mustela now and it’s got rid of it and hasn’t made it come back it’s also the only thing that doesn’t irritate his scalp x
Kokosa scalp cream and brush, honestly amazing
Coconut oil works well :) x
Coconut oil!
I used the Frida baby kit thing. Pro - it worked and I only used it once. Con - I only used it once haha!! I think it was like £15 ish, I would recommend if you don’t mind the price
Another vote for kokoso baby and frida scalp brush
I use baby oil with a cotton ball and just rub it gently on his scalp. Works wonders xxx