Yeah I don't see this as a difficult decision at all (I'm pro vaccine). This wasn't around for my first baby and RSV is such a big worry. What's making you worried?
I’m personally having it. It’s a vaccine that’s been used in other countries for a very long time and privately in the uk. There’s quite a lot of studies online about it. It seems to be something more babies are catching and can get very ill from but I don’t know if it’s just becoming more publicised. I’ve always grown up with vaccines so it would take a lot to put me off getting one. It’s a personal choice whether you want it or not. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong decision x
I'm definitely getting it, I had the flu and whooping cough ones too earlier on in the pregnancy. I feel like it's too much of a risk not to have it as it'll protect our very vulnerable babies when they're born
They couldn’t release a vaccine without it being safe… everyone had the covid one and that was created within months! Yes I will be having it
A friend of mines baby caught rsv at 1month old and was on a ventilator and it was terrifying! She regrets not having the vaccine and encourages everyone to. Anything I can do to to try and prevent it, I will
I'm definitely having it but not at 28 wks I'm going to wait ABIT longer
Ive had my covid , flu whooping and I’ll 100% be getting the RSV x
My little boy has just turned 2 and was in the trial for the vaccine when he was first born (they offered it to all babies in the NICU). I was given sooooooo much information and I think it’s amazing that it’s available now. It’s not a new vaccine, it’s been around in other countries but just not available here until now. We literally just had our final check in with the team running the trial and I’m slightly gutted because they’re so lovely and it’s been so nice catching up with them every few months haha. Seeing other babies in the NICU who were there after catching RSV was enough to convince me to take any precaution possible. My niece also caught it at a few months old and even now at 5 her chest is awful and she picks up everything. Personally I’ll definitely be taking it x
I’ll be going private after baby’s born and having the monoclonal antibody administered right before RSV season starts. This ensure adequate protection over the RSV period and is 70% effective in preventing hospitalization. The vaccine is shown to be 57% effective at preventing hospitalization, and lasts 6 months therefore not covering the rsv season for babies born in June. As the vaccine is still under observation by the CDC for preterm labour along with connection to preeclampsia, I feel comfortable waiting especially as baby is not born during RSV season. This is aligned with CDC recommendations along with other country’s recommendations such as the US and Canada. You can also do both but the CDC does not make this recommendation. I don’t think this has anything to do with being pro vaccine or not, but just understanding the risks and what you feel most comfortable with during pregnancy.
I’d rather have the vaccine than risk my baby getting it and potentially dying 🩷