4 hours
4 hours. He’ll wake up at 3pm, have his dinner at 4pm, bath around 5pm, quiet play and wind down, bottle at 6:30pm then bed at 7pm 🩵
3.5-4hrs atm. It does just depend on what time she wakes up from last nap and how many/long naps have been x
Thank you everyone. I struggle even keeping her up for 3 hrs 15 mins as she’s so whingy from having crap naps all day. The thought of 4 hours is terrifying tbh 🙈🤣 but sounds like I need to try it. Are your babies sleeping through?
Honestly if it’s working for you keep at it, my little girl was just showing signs of being ready for it. She is sleeping through the night 8-8 with a few wakes for dummy x
My little boy is ideally around 2.5 hours as he’s sooo grumpy otherwise. He has 3 good naps in the day. He wakes once in the night for around 5 mins but sleeps 12 hours pretty much. Every baby is different. 😊
Our last WW is 2.5-3hours max. He just won’t last any longer and leads to a very stressful bedtime. He’s a bad napper so by the end of the day he’s so tired. This works for us at the minute so I’m trying not to stress about it!
3 hours, my baby has just dropped to two naps and she really struggles to stay awake with 3 hours 😅
Mine is a terrible napper too - was having 3x naps per day (very various length) but now dropped to 2x and bedtime is being 7pm for the last week but perhaps today he only had a short nap in the afternoon and woke up before 3pm so at 6:30pm was already in bed (but got really grumpy to get ready… although he gets stressed most of the time - it’s pretty much always a battle)
It depends on naps right now as every day it's a bit different. Some days it's actually 4h but ideally I try for it to be 3h or 3.5