I had an induction on the 2nd Feb and it was absolutely fine. I had the balloon fitted, was slightly uncomfortable but not painful, I dilated to 4cm within 12 hours. It felt like period pains and a dull ache in my lower belly. I then had my waters broke and gave birth 6 hours and 20 minutes later. Nothing I wouldn’t accept again ☺️x
I was induced on Tuesday just gone, I went from barely 1cm to 10cm and ready to push within 24 hours. The pessary was a little uncomfortable to put in but once it was in it was fine. My partner then came to see me around 5/6 and we walked around the hospital a bit, I had dinner and he went home around 8:30. Before he left I started getting mild contractions which I had some paracetamol to take the edge off (didn’t really do much) by 1:30am I went for a wee and the pessary fell out on its own and when I told the midwife she said she’s happy to reinsert if I’m not dilated enough to break my waters. I was 3cm when she checked and I opted not to have my waters broken but to continue without the pessary and see where we get. By 4:20 the contractions were lasting around a minute and were getting closer together I rang for the midwife for more pain relief but when she came she said she wanted to examine me first as she thought I was a lot more dilated than they thought. 1/2
I went in to be induced on the 20th of February at 11am. They checked me and I was already 2cm so they decided to just break my waters. I had the most magical birth. All unmedicated and happened so quick. They broke my waters at 2pm and I had her at 8:22pm!! I was so scared to go in and be induced but see if they can break ur waters instead of hormone induction x
She took me to another room as I needed to wee again and after I came out my pad was filled with blood and my mucus plug. When she examined me she gave me gas and air as I was struggling at this point and I was 5-6cm. At this point I called my partner to come in as they moved me to the labour room. As soon as I got to the labour room they had the set up ready to do my epidural and I finally had a little rest. I got to 10cm around 11:30/12 and was ready to start pushing to get baby girl out. Unfortunately after an hour and 20 of pushing she wasn’t getting her head over the bend and the doctor was called. I agreed to an emergency forceps delivery and worst case scenario an emergency c section, but she came out with forceps which wasn’t the best but it wasn’t the worst thing that happened. They did have to cut me which I did feel as the epidural was just that tiny little bit too late kicking in strong enough but as soon as she was on me and safe the pain went away!
I was induced on a Saturday and gave birth 1am on a Tuesday. I had a pessary, 2 rounds of prostin gel, then my contractions began during the 24 hour break after the gels (on the Monday). I found the cervix exams a little painful as baby’s head was very low, but they said I could have gas & air for the exam! The Monday evening I had my final cervix exam and she said I was 4cm and ready to go to delivery, but she left the gas & air with me so I accidentally started pushing each time (as I felt like I had to). 10 minutes later, she checked again and I was fully dilated and they wheeled me out on the bed! My active labour was about 2/3 hours and ended with only gas & air. All I wanted in my labour plan was an epidural but even though I didn’t get it, I survived and it wasn’t that bad really! My recovery was really quick. My partner was able to stay through the whole process, just couldn’t shower or toilet on the ward. It was a shared ward area for induction. Take own snacks! Xx
My induction started last Saturday, gave birth 4:30am Tuesday. I had 3 pesarries in the end. My waters broke themselves after the second pessary however my cervix wasn’t dilating so they put the 3rd one in. After that my labour progressed very fast and she was here within 12 hours of my waters breaking. despite the labour taking a while to progress initially as soon as it started it was quick.
I was induced and it was long winded but overall fine - I did have an epidural and its my first baby so cant tell you whether the pain is worse than a non induced labour but I felt like I didnt have the energy to deal with pain after the induction process. My birth was straightforward though and certainly not like some of the stories Ive read. Many negative induction experiences are blamed on the induction process but there is no saying those births wouldnt have been the same experience even without the induction so try not to worry! All the best xx
I'm currently in being induced. Arrived at 9am, saw the consultants who gained consent r.e which type of induction I wanted (went with the pessary) that was inserted at 11ish and I was 1cm dilated already. Started having mild contractions around 1.30ish, maybe every 10 mins or so but I've been able to manage with paracetamol/breathing/squeezing a comb. I've even managed a few hours sleep here and there. If the pessary is still in at 11am then they'll remove it and see how far I'm dilated before deciding next steps. Baby has remained happy through all the checks 😊 We're really lucky in my area as we don't have wards, just room so my Husband has been able to stay throughout and there's a bed etc. Definitely bring lots of snacks and things to keep you busy if you don't like being on your phone as if can feel a while but my experience has been good so far! Good luck x
I was induced on the 5th February and my son was born on the 6th. The 5th was really boring, we were on the antenatal ward which was bright & loud so not great for encouraging labour! We did a million laps of the hospital and watched some funny programmes. On the Thursday a friend suggested I ask about "the side room", this is a room off the main ward which had fairy lights and music and was much quieter. We went for a walk in the sunshine while they got it ready and then went in there - I had a bit of a dance to happy songs and then listened to a hypnobirthing track on the ball and labour started. We moved up to labour ward just before 5pm and they broke my waters, baby boy was born at 7.03pm. He is my fourth child and I was expecting labour to be more intense as it was chemically induced but it was fine. My husband put up lights and photos of our other children and my favourite affirmations in the room, there was a lot of natural oxytocin which I think helped massively!
I was induced with my first - admitted on a Saturday, it took a couple of attempts before being successful and I gave birth on the Tuesday. My partner stopped with me each day during visiting hours and we watched films on the laptop and walked around the hospital which killed the time, I do recommend noise cancelling headphones for the evening. I was taken for my waters breaking at 3am and he arrived healthy at midday. I was put on the oxytocin drip and in all honesty I absolutely loved giving birth, it was such an empowering experience. I went in with a ladder of pain relief I’d consider but ended up just sleeping and breathing through the labour. Take it as it comes - You’ve got this! Wishing you all the best 🫶