Trouble Sleeping in Big Bed
Hey Mamas!
So, we moved our 2.5, almost 3 year old to her new room a couple weeks ago. She moved from her crib (she as climbing in and out as her own leisure… haha) to a twin size floor bed. She says she loves her room and her bed. She has been out of our room and in her own since 3-4 months. Is also successfully Potty trained around this time.
SHE WAKES UP EVERY NIGHT AND CRAWLS IN MY BED! She will just come and crawl in. When I ask her what’s wrong, she says “I just need snuggles.” I have a 7 month old and I usually wake up to go pump and find her there. She will follow me out to pump on the couch and fall asleep out on the couch while I am pumping. I can transition her back to her bed after I pump and she generally stays but…. What is going on!! Any thoughts?
Let me know when you find out! My daughter wakes up and comes into my room at nights too!