@Kiera thank you for this, i guess im not pregnant sadly but i literally feel pregnant rn its crazy
It was so hard to go through but your time will come. I was so convinced and so excited about an 18m age gap but now my lo is one and I'm halfway through two week wait so hopefully this cycle.
It’s more likely to have a false negative than a false positive so it is possible. I’ve had pretty dramatic pregnancy symptoms turn out to be nothing before too though. Time will tell but If it’s driving you crazy make an appointment with your doctor and get a blood test if that will put your mind at ease
@Jessica thank you, i just might because i truly feel so pregnant and my uterus area is also bulging now too. maybe im crazy lol what were your dramatic false symptoms like?
I had something similar but my cycle just ended up being 69 days long. My hormones where still all messed up and I had horrible nausea. I really wanted to be pregnant but it just wasn't my time. It can take awhile before cycles are back to being normal.