How do you put your baby to sleep?

How does everyone put their baby to sleep and how long did it take for them to get used to that routine? For now we have moved my baby’s bed time forward, he used to fall asleep at midnight and now he’s asleep by 21:30 but even with that it’s an hour and a half of feeding, rocking and singing. I don’t mind doing any of this, it’s just that an hour a half is a long time to do it for. When his bedtime was midnight it used to take about 30 minutes of feeding and maybe some rocking.
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Around 8pm usually but we go by wake windows so it varies. We just do a 30 minute bedtime routine and put him down awake. Putting him down awake for naps was easier, bedtime took a few weeks for him to get.

We do the same thing everyday: -Bath time with his sister followed by lavender oil massage -bottle of milk and into sleep sack -white noise on in dark room and offer boob too if he wants it then he just drifts off He seems to respond well to this routine and works 9/10 I’d say. We tend to put him down by 8pm latest.

I take my little girl up around 7/7:30, dark room with dim red light and white noise on, I pop her into her sleeping bag, cuddle and bottle then I put her down awake and takes around 15-20 mins for her to go off. It used to take 1-2 hours though, she used to get very upset when I tried to put her down but I kept doing the pick up put down method, so when she cried (not a whinge or moan but a proper cry) I’d comfort, soon as she stopped crying, pop her back down and just kept repeating and eventually the times got shorter and shorter and now she soothes herself x

I was the same as used to sleep around midnight and now he sleeps around 9/10. I breastfeed and have found breastfeeding around this time helps him to settle faster xx

I breastfeed to sleep. This is the easy way, but if she is too full then I rock her. I have one of those big yoga balls and just bounce on the ball. My first baby was the same. I have only heard about babies that self soothe or fall asleep independently, but mine are nothing like that. I also don’t have the heart to do any form of sleep training so I hope my back supports me to bounce this heavy baby until she is ready to fall asleep just cuddling together like my toddler.

Bedtime is around 7:30-8:30 and he gets put in his cot with his sleeping sack on with relaxing music and most of the time for bedtime he will fall asleep on his own with no dummy or sometimes we pop his dummy in. I don’t rock or nurse to sleep at all. Took about a week of doing this for him to learn. We do bath, dim the lights, soft music on, get him in pjamas and by then, he’s ready for sleep x

Thanks everyone, I’ll just give him time to settle into his new bed time and hopefully he’ll go back to nursing to sleep soon.

@Marina yeah I used to nurse to sleep but with this new bed time he’s struggling a bit but I’ll give him time. I deflated that yoga ball as soon as he was born because it was taking up too much space but I’ve heard that it works!

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