@Chloe Thank you that makes me feel better x
As Chloe says above mine is the same where it’s not really locks more rolls and pushes as they begin to run out of room it’s more squashed in there. I’m 38 weeks
If ever you’re unsure, go back to triage as many times as you need to, even if it is just for peace of mind. I had similar episodes later on in my pregnancy, all was healthy, but the midwife’s were absolute angels about it and always told me to come straight in as many times as I needed to even if it was just for reassurance 🫶🏻
Around 30 ish weeks I noticed my little girl stopped “kicking” but more pushes/rolling feelings instead, spoke to my midwife and she said it’s most likely where they are just cramped inside you, but if you are worried always go and get checked! Xxx