My daughters name is Amayah (I added the h at the end 🤣) Amelia? I would have taken that but there's already an amelia in the family! Alyssa Ava
Amara Ava Alice Angelina Angelica Aaliyah
Aaliyah, Amelia, Aurora, Adelaide, Abby
Alice Anna Annabelle Aria Amy Amelia April Autumn
Amelia, Alyssa or Ariana
Aurora! Adeline!
Alba Amber Arabella Aubrey Amelia Anais Aspen Aleka
My nieces are named, Arabella and Aurora. I think they’re absolutely beautiful names! I’ve also heard “Albany”(yes, like that capital) as a girl’s name which I think is really lovely- makes me think of softly falling leaves in the fall:)
Agnes, Amelia, Amy (also could be spelt Aimee), Audrey, Alexandre, Andrea, Angela,
Amina 🥰 thats my baby’s !!
Annalise 😊
Amelie Arabella Anya Aria Alyssa Alexa April
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My daughter is Aurora!☺️
I've always loved either Aurora or Amelia! In Italy we have lots of names with A such as Angela, Alessia, Alessandra, Ambra, Asia, Anna, Alba and so on if that helps x
Name, origin, meaning Alixa, Greek, defender of mankind Aimani, Aila, bringer of light Azia, life Amare, possesses great strength Akira, Japanese, the light coming from the sun
Ava/Alessia/Alicia xx