Honestly this man!🙄

I need a rant🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ My baby dad decided he won’t see our 6 year old daughter unless she calls him to ask to see him🙄 She’s 6 years old?! It’s been a week and he hasn’t seen or really spoke to her because she hasn’t called him and asked him if she can see him🤦🏻‍♀️
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that’s not her responsibility at all he’s weird

That’s weird! At 6 there’s no chance - why would he put that responsibility on a child especially one so young?!

Even if she could call at that age, (I doubt she’d have a phone herself and she’d be more occupied with playing outdoors anyway), he’s still the parent. He’s finding excuses, and they’re not even clever. Silly man 🥸

Ikr how ridiculous🙄 it’s not the 6 years old job to keep the relationship going between her and her dad🙄

What?! How ridiculously immature and selfish. I’ll never understand parents that are so okay with not being as involved as possible with their babies. Or parents that act like it’s not all on them to be giving their best… 🤦🏻‍♀️ His loss.

It honestly seems like your little girl would have a more intellectual conversation with one of her dolls, and a better time with her imaginary friends, than this underdeveloped twerp

@Martha he bought her an iPad when he moved out and put his number in it so she can FaceTime him but let’s be honest she uses it for kids YouTube more than anything🤣 it is all just an excuse so he can blame her when someone asks him why he ain’t seeing her🤦🏻‍♀️

@Chloe it makes 0 sense to me how someone can go from wanting a child to not bothering with them🤦🏻‍♀️ it really is his loss because our daughter really isn’t bothered about not seeing him🤦🏻‍♀️

Honestly some dads are useless! It’s completely on him to maintain a relationship with his daughter. The fact he’s putting the responsibility on your 6 year old daughter is crazy! My daughter’s dad tried doing the same to her.. they haven’t seen each other for around 4 years now. He only has himself to blame

Incredibly immature. Well to me he doesn't see her then until he grows up.

He sounds very controlling. He needs to grow tf up

He’s going to lose out on time with her by choice and one day he’ll realize what he missed out on and he’ll only have himself to blame. He’s weird to expect your CHILD to reach out so he can see her. Like wth fr.

@Amy I feel so sorry for your little girl and you. He is being an absolute idiot. He can not put his responsibilities on a child, it's his way of getting out of seeing her as far as I can see it. It's his loss at the end of the day. It's so unfair on your little one, I understand how hard it is explaining ot to a child aswell. Hope he pull his finger out and starts stepping up.

I think sometimes some men don't want the responsibility on them. So I guess he just wants to pretend it isn't down to him to be there. He doesn't know what he's missing out on!

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