Hiya, I was induced last April. Only thing I would add, is loads of snacks, and bring things to keep you busy. Once your induction begins, it’s hard to know when it’ll all get kick started. For me it took a long while, my little boy was stubborn😂 My induction was outpatient so I got to go home during my induction but it got switched to inpatient last minute and I didn’t bring anything to keep me entertained🥲other than my phone. All I was focused on was my contractions constantly even tho they were mild at the time. Maybe take magazines, crosswords, or download a couple shows on your phone. Hope this helps!😅
It’s very similar in terms of packing! I kept the same hospital bag for my induction as I did for spontaneous labor. But my second baby is scheduled for an induction in about a week and I’m packing a lot lighter this time around since I felt like I didn’t use a lot of my bag for my first. Only thing I would highly recommend is that you eat a good, high protein/some carbs meal before you go in for your induction, because you won’t get the chance to eat until after the baby is born
I had a lightweight robe in mine and wore it during the recovery/bonding with my baby for skin to skin was glad I packed it
Ask the hospital if you can eat. Most women aren't allowed to eat, no matter how long it takes. After 12 hours of my rough induction, the nurse still acted like she was doing me some secret favor by letting me suck on a Popsicle.
@Lib I will definitely bring something to keep me busy! I’m sure my husband and I will be going stir crazy
@Cecilia oh I’m definitely milking the last meal thing 😂 I talked my husband into getting Cheesecake Factory as my last meal since we don’t know when I’d be able to eat again!
I definitely 100% recommend taking your own pillow and a blanket. I thought it was so extra at first but I was so so glad I brought mine. Hospital bedding is awful and normally have flat pancake pillows and there’s no way I would have been able to get comfortable with those 😂 Oh and a massive water bottle- I forgot to take one and really regretted it as the jug they gave me was so tiny and i Kept having to go fill it up which was annoying. I was very thirsty as it was very warm in there! X
Oh and earphones 100%! I had contractions for a full day before things started to progress and listening to music really helped me zone out just to get through it. Also i was in a room with 4 bays so it was quite noisy at times and it was nice being able to shut out the noise with music 💕
Snacks and pillow is good idea. I was happy I took a sound machine because it’s always something going on and if you can’t mask the noise you can’t sleep even if you tried. Btw they let me eat loads, order hospital food etc idk how come. I came for induction Wednesday afternoon and my daughter was born on Thursday would have been impossible not to eat.
I had an overnight induction, too! Definitely bring things to keep you busy! My husband slept through a lot of it so my AirPods were my life saver! I listened to music, watched tiktoks, listened to podcasts, I was chillin! lol
Don't forget your charger!
I’m being induced on Wednesday so following x