6.5 months. She was in the big cot in our room from 5 months as she outgrew the next to me. I didn’t want to move her but she started being nosey/ getting fomo and we would all disturb each other. She took to it well but the only issue we had was she couldn’t find her dummy on her own for a few weeks so had to keep going in to find it for her
We moved our wee girl at about 5 months, but she is basically back in our room now cause the sleep is even worse lol, was worth a try. Back to next to me and co sleeping most of the night now just to survive
Mine has been in her own room since 2 months
11 months and still in our room but will be moving her at some point this coming week
6 months and she's been fab ☺️
18 months, me and my partner are the ones who changed rooms so I feel like that’s helped a lot.
About 7.5/8 months
6 months to the day. We couldn't wait. Bedsharing never worked for us and it was so amazing to get our bedroom back.
I moved bubba in when he was 5 months old .. I only moved him because he would sleep 8-9 hours and he just didn’t need to be by my side x
6.5 months and he sleeps so much better now without wakes he woke so much in our room!
2 years. Guidance is 6 months minimum, preferably 12 months as under one being in the same room as you for sleep reduces the chances of SIDS as your breathing regulates theirs. What's the routine in terms of naps, wake up, bedtime etc?
1 year