I was an overproducer with my second and I froze tons of milk in case my supply dipped or I had to end nursing early. I wound up breastfeeding until 18 months and donated all the extra milk I had at the end of it to a family in need!
I had an oversupply and froze it all since my baby wouldn't take a bottle. She just weaned at 18m. I gave a lot of mine to a family that adopted when I was 6 months postpartum, keeping enough for myself if my supply dropped. You can also sell through organizations for the NICU or even Facebook pages and can go for up to $1/oz. They don't let you sell until 6 months, I believe. I did a lot of milk baths for my baby and stepkids if they showed any signs of irritated skin, cradle cap, and to sooth poison ivy rashes. It's also really good for your own skin and hair.
Hi! I've been pumping 100+oz/day since 3 days pp. Totally fine to freeze milk, it's good for 6months-1 year from freeze date if it's in a deep freezer! I've also donated some of my milk, as we will never use it all!