Blocked duct?

One of my boobs are slightly tender and achey, breastfeeding is established so not where it’s too full, it’s not excruciating and I’m not overly concerned but just wondered if this is signs of a blocked duct ? I squeeze with my hand and milk is still coming out, although not as much as my other breast, but this one does fill up more as I use it to feed more often. Thoughts?
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Yeah most likely a blocked duct, apply a warm compress for sometime to help it drain out kinda thing, Also when in bath or water give it a little massage - that helped me x

@Elle (i can't see waves) Is it something that needs to be addressed asap? Should I get out of bed and do that now or can it wait till the morning or will it be awful by then ?

Honestly, If it's hurting now I would it can just be a flannel or a muslin for like 15 / 20 mins and hopefully it'll settle as you don't want it to turn into mastitis 💜

@Elle (i can't see waves) thank you so much, I can feel it has got more tender since I posted this so I hope it doesn’t become mastitis 🤞🏽 x

@Elle (i can't see waves) will this give instant results, sorry for 101 questions, just scared I’m gunna wake up sick as a dog 🤣

Well i can't answer that everyone is different, however it should subside within a few days, Also you can take paracetamol if it's stopping you from sleeping, pain etc and perhaps express some milk now just to help ease the pressure 😉 x

Feed. Don’t wait

@Carla just fed him as he woke up briefly but only for about 3 mins - does he need to do a full feed to be able to help drain it ?

No any feeding will help but just keep offering that breast and it will clear. I sometimes forced a feed if needed too

Sometimes a blocked duct occurs, when the breast wasn't fully empties on the last feed, I was express some if you have a pump ? Or just use your hand and if possible keep it and you can use it 2moro in his daily milk, bath or food if weaning age x

Guidance has changed in 2022 (ABM guidance for mastitis spectrum) - use cold compress/ice rather than warm if it’s uncomfortable, feed baby on demand (he doesn’t need to drain the breast), do not pump unless to feed your baby and don’t massage it!! (The term blocked duct isn’t used anymore, it’s a narrow duct)

@Savannah Ohhh this is very interesting as my son was born in 2022, He was prem and I was advised differently and he was in nicu for 5months, nobody ever told me to use a cold compression 🤔 , Even in 2024 I was adviced the same via my lactation specialist.

I had mastitis and was in hospital with it as turned into an infection 2 weeks after giving birth. The hospital said I need to keep feeding him on that breast every time he wants food. They also said in between use a cold compress - like a flannel on it to stop inflammation, I also hand expressed very lightly to take of some of the weight and pressure but if it doesn’t come straight out don’t apply for more pressure just wait for the next feed xx

@Elle (i can't see waves) yeah there’s still a lot of the old advice out there - from professionals and online 🙈 Not great as a lot of the old recommendations (particularly massage and over feeding / pumping) can actually worsen narrowed ducts and mastitis 😬 Here’s the new guidance if you want - more for professionals but may be something you’d want to read!

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