Is my baby too big?

My baby was born two weeks over her due date weighing 9.7lbs. She didn’t lose any weight after birth then got weighed at 4 weeks and is now a massive 12lbs. Midwife has told me this is ok however this is the same person who told me my baby was a regular size throughout my pregnancy but turned out to be a 95th percentile baby who got stuck leading to various issues for us both so not sure I trust her judgement.
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My baby is also a big baby - born 9lb10oz and by 5 weeks was 12lb9oz and I was measuring average through pregnancy too. His growth chart still shows him being around 97th percentile which is what he was at birth so I'm not worried about it

Look at your growth chart in the red book, baby should be roughly following the same 95th percentile line. Fundal measurements are very inaccurate, I wouldn’t really blame her judgement for that, most midwives and consultants wish they weren’t even part of the process.

Like others have said check your red book and see if she's following the line - it's ok if she gradually increased too but if it was a huge leap up suddenly they'd probably keep an eye on it. They're supposed to put on around an Oz a day at this age

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