Thank you! I didn’t bleed with my first.
No, it's not. It's normal for some women to spot early on. It's the baby implanting further and settling in. So long as you aren't bleeding heavy enough to fill a pad, you are ok. Even if you were to call ur doctor, there is nothing that can be done. Don't stress and just relax, momma. You're fine, and you've got this.
Definitey don’t stress! It’s likely all normal. I had some light bleeding around week 6 with my last pregnancy and I was absolutely freaking out, but everything was just fine. :) Try not to worry! Miscarriage is often way heavier bleeding. I hope the visit with your doctor can put you at ease.
I had implantation bleeding! I know several women that did. Don’t panic. ❤️
Def call your doctor but it’s normal! 25% of women have light bleeding during the first trimester, it may be implantation bleeding, but just keep and eye on it! Don’t stess that’s the worst thing to do, i’m dealing with the same stuff and was told it’s normal as long as you’re not gushing/ having clots!