Sleep training / night weaning

Desperate for more sleep. My son is 9 weeks…can we start sleep training and weaning night feeds? He is almost 11 lbs. He will sleep from 8pm-12/1am and then is awake frequently!
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I totally sympathize but nine weeks is really too young. My baby did a month of waking every hour 😭 he's four months now and we're finally getting that 8-12am stretch and then wakes every two hours or so. He eats twice overnight. Night feeds are developmentally normal for a baby under six months. Typically for people who are going to sleep train, 5 months is the soonest. I think you should focus on reducing wakes instead of eliminating them. Some things that helped us were: consistent bedtime routine, Merlin's Magic sleepsuit, moving from bassinet to pack and play (he was hitting the sides of the bassinet and waking up), and really consistently burping + leg exercises for gas (he's clearly not waking only from hunger). I know it's annoying to hear these things if you're already doing them. But also I think another thing that helped was just him getting older. Nine weeks is so little, he'll grow! hang in there!

Can’t do until your doctor gives you the green light. Usually happens at 4/5 months. I’m sorry it sucks, but baby needs you now 🥲

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