@Priya ah it’s so frustrating! Glad we are not the only ones. I was doing massage at 4am 🤣 hope it gets better soon xx
We are having the same issue. He’s gassy all day but it’s bedtime then early hours that he ends up grunting and straining from it and really unsettled. Just been trying bicycle legs etc too and hoping it’ll pass 🤞🏼 x
@Samantha ah I feel so sorry for them 😭 I can tell she wants to sleep but it’s so disruptive to her in the early hours. Oh yes please, pass soon!! Xx
Oh my god I was about to write a post about how farty my little boy is! My little girl didn’t fart this much and he also becomes unsettled at 1-4am 🤍
Literally having the same issue lol apparently baths and massages should help!