@Lydia We switched her to dairy free formula as she was on normal and it did decease and was almost gone and now it has flared up again. But I will look into it :-)
Mine has atopic eczema. We just use all things qv, it’s worse around the hot days. But qv has been good. Our dermatologist advised to apply qv at every few hours and avoid egg and wheat until 12 months.
Could be more than one thing too. If there’s one I think the likelihood of more is greater. (I’m no expert though) if you can get testing done it might just help narrow it down. May not even be in the formula, could be in soap or moisturiser products. May not be allergies at all. Just a thought ☺️
We use the QV bath oil, no soap. Also, the dermeze treatment ointment on thick before bed.
Could you possibly see an allergenist and get testing done? Perhaps she reacting to something in your milk/formula?