We’ve been combi feeding from the start. My boy has 2-3 formula feeds a day and we are using pre made formula to make it easier, I know this is a more expensive option but with only 2-3 feeds a day it means it costs us around £7/£8 a week. I breastfeed most the day but he will have a formula before bed and one at 1/2am and sometimes an extra in the day. We have 4 bottles so it’s easy enough to always have one clean and sterilised. Definitely takes away some of the stress of exclusively breastfeeding, I can go to appointments or pop out for an hour or so.
I made the switch at 2 weeks. Felt so guilty about my toddler not spending much time with me and my baby seems so much happier on formula so it's a win win for all of us
Combi feeding from day 1 approx 2 formula bottles a day and expressing and bottle feeding the rest with occasional top ups of formula if still hungry. I find the pumping hard work only at night, day time is easy, will probably persevere for 2 months and then will switch to formula
@Emily Timbrell I really struggled with the night expressing with my first once established I gradually spaced out the pumping further and further and ended up being able to ‘train’ my supply to do bigger amounts in evening and morning without loosing too much volume. Hoping to do the same this time.
Yes I did 🙈 I have a toddler and he cries so much because I wasn’t with him because I was constantly feeding my baby - was heartbreaking. I then combi fed but expressed so my husband could help. I much prefer bottle feeding as now I can spend more time with my toddler ❤️
Also 3.5 weeks 👋🏻 I’ve been combi feeding…mainly breastfeeding, but will give a bottle for abit of relief from the cluster feeding. In the long run I’m not sure how much time it would save with washing, sterilising, preparing, feeding bottles. Also I find with bottles I can’t do anything else during that time, but with breastfeeding there’s a few toys or reading a book with my toddler I can multitask with one free hand. You could also get a hands free pump so you could bottle feed expressed milk if you wanted the option to keep your milk going? But you have to do whatever you feel is right for you and your family.