I went through something similar with my daughters height. The nurse said if she doesn't grow by a certain amount next visit we need to panic... She's 6 months and is 66cm. Now everytime someone says she's small i start overthinking. What did I do wrong, am I not feeding her enough, is she not sleeping enough etf. I'm 5'1 and my partner is 6'1. It's so hard to shut it out but please know you're doing the right things and you're doing an amazing job!
My 2nd Bub was soooo lean and skinny. But he was also SO healthy, happy and thriving! Guess what…he’s 4.5 now and still so lean and skinny but that’s just his build. He eats so so so much food! I don’t know where it all goes! You’re doing just fine mumma, some kids just have lean builds.
Not at all
Our bub was the same! Although in hindsight in my case it might’ve been my supply (I had Covid the days before giving birth). He was born 23rd percentile and dropped down to 1st percentile but I persevered with pumping and feeding frequently and he’s now back up to 18th. We were getting him weighed every other week and it really broke my confidence and the weight check appointments gave me bad anxiety, and of course all that stress wouldn’t help the supply! Our bub looked happy and healthy the whole time and was hitting all the milestones so we just had faith and persevered. You got this mumma! Trust your instincts
Exact same boat! Except our doc is great and at the 6m visit her words were 'someone has to be in the 1st percentile' and 'shes just a slow gainer'. I was getting our bub weighed every 2 weeks by the nurse and doc has also now said, that can't be good for your mental health you should probably stop. If bub is happy and healthy I wouldn't be concerned because like our doc said, someone has to be that low percentile :)