Autistic Toddlers vs. Toddler Tantrums

I believe my 2 1/2 year old has (low support) autism. However, I’m aware that because of his age (terrible twos) meltdowns can be expected. He will have a screaming fit if his brother has a milk and he doesn’t. But I think that’s just toddler jealousy? Here’s some of the things he does which suggest to me he has ASD; • occasionally (2x a week) spins for enjoyment • doesn’t respond to his name • doesn’t point to things or look when I’m pointing • if there’s poop in his diaper too long, he will touch and mouth it • needs melatonin or must be absolutely exhausted to sleep • pulls his or my hair when overwhelmed • covers his ears if there’s something he sees? or hears that’s overwhelming • screams to communicate something isn’t right • puts everything in his mouth • hair cuts are horrific🌪️ • nail cutting is a screaming fit Why I think he is low support; • after lots of practice, can now brush his teeth for him for 10 seconds • can speak (echolalia/gestalt language processing) and quite chatty all the day long • makes eye contact • can read (pretty much any word/book if the font is big enough) • affectionate and loving • will occasionally play with his baby brother 1 1/2 Anyone else’s toddler or child similar? Would be good to have a sound board.
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My son is 5 and he is nonverbal high support needs autism. There are a few things I could point out from my own experience. First the spinning. My son used too (and still does) spin alllll the time like multiple times a day every day. 2x a week is normal toddler behavior. The milk thing sounds to me like normal toddler behavior. My son never really cared enough about what was going on around him to be jealous of what others are getting or anything like that. He was always and still is in his own world. He does not pay much attention to what is going on around him. My son didn’t respond to his name also so that’s possibly a sign of autism, but keep in mind one or two or even three signs of autism does not mean much. It’s when they have many signs of autism. My son never started reaching in his diaper until he was 3 1/2. My son was actually a very very good sleeper. I believe the pulling hair is normal toddler behavior. Doesn’t point to things or look that is a possible sign.

I think covering his ears is normal toddler behavior. My son just started covering his ears when he was upset he did not do it as a toddler. I think the rest that you said is also normal toddler behavior. There are def signs of possible autism but I would lean more towards no he doesn’t. Or maybe very low support needs autism. You should definitely talk to your doctor about getting him evaluated and see what they think. Sorry I wrote a lot. I hope I helped in some way. 🩷

I knew my daughter had autism at this age, even tho on paper she was “meeting milestones” She got diagnosed at 5 … go with ur gut x

My daughter was and still is a big reader she was able to read thick books by 6, if u got a gut feeling go with it.. I was fobbed off with its normal behaviour etc until she wasn’t growing out of the thing she should have been growing out of. I gotta say it was the loneliest time for me as I was told I was making it up.. she’s 10 now and omg u can physically tell that she’s asd.. She can walk talk and has 10 fingers and toes but she doesn’t have any social skills, has a sensitive reaction to basic senses Her behaviour is challenging.. I’m glad I stuck with it and we was lucky to get a diagnosis so young

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