I had the same … at 4am I woke up with a dull achey period pain that went down my legs and in my hips (I’m 37weeks) but I took paracetamol, did some stretching put a heat cushion on and sat downstairs for 2 hours 😓then it went away and I managed to fall back to sleep so think maybe it’s PGP rather than early labour… I hate this waiting game!! It’s so draining xx
38+1, FTM and I had these cramps start Saturday night. Bump still looks high and haven't noticed mucus plug. Feels like a progression but I have no benchmark 😂
Happened to me the other day and still pregnant 😅
Aha yes, could be today could be in 2 weeks 🥲 I’m playing is it PGP/sciatica or is it early labour atm too!