I could have wrote this myself!! everything you have mentioned is the exact same as me, I find this age so much harder than when my little girl was newborn. She used to be a great sleeper 7pm-7am when she was about 6 months old but now we’re back up for night feeds, she fights near enough every nap and bed time. She sometimes goes to bed around 9pm after fighting her sleep for ages. I feel so overwhelmed at times as I feel no matter what I do I’m always behind on housework etc, I’m definitely finding it harder now than I ever have. I try to remind myself everything is a phase and will pass x
Never have a read a post so accurate! I can resonate with this massively, my 13 month old is very, very fiery. I feel like I can’t catch a break. I work 40hrs across 5 days and when I have her at home she is so moody and consistently ill so rather than enjoying the weekends with her, I’m instead trying to get her better 😩 No one talks about this enough ! X
I’m in the same boat and the illnesses are relentless! I am exhausted all the time and don’t feel like a break is a thing anymore! Totally feel you ❤️
I hear you, although I hugely struggled in the newborn days and felt so angry at people who said the newborn stage was easy and who seemed to breeze through it, as I did not have an easy newborn and so on the whole I am enjoying this stage a bit more but it d definitely comes with a whole new set of struggles, like you just outlined. I’ve found this amazing book and I’m only 7 chapters in (I’m listening to the audio book, as obviously have no time to read!) but I’ve really found it a massive help. It’s called ‘Motherkind’ by Zoe Blaskey