I find this disturbing. The child is clearly distressed. I find it quite sick that people film things like this and post on social media.
I would like to see his fat ass do 83 squats!!!
Super disturbing...omg
My heart aches for the kids out there going through this type of "discipline." Kids throw, play, and make messes with food all the time. It's part of development. That is a baby!!! There was a case not too long ago where a man son I think he's was 7 or 8 died because he made him run on a treadmill for too long as a form of punishment. Just sad. social services should get involved
Thank you guys so much for saying this is not okay I was starting to feel crazy you should see the masses of people saying this is a good thing I know it’s not and i pray for this baby and any other baby in there care or going threw anything like this, this is not okay at all
https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEqM2HxPT1u/?igsh=eXBha3JuNmoycWkz This is the link to the full video so you can see the comments for yourself 😣
This makes me feel so, so sad and upset. She’s clearly distressed, probably in pain (have you tried doing 83 squats!), and it feels like a completely bizarre and disproportionate response to throwing food which is something that kids just do. Yuck, hate it, hate who filmed and posted it for entertainment, and hate anyone who finds this funny.
I can’t even do 83 squats in a row let alone a little kid. That’s awful
Sooo some kids need to actually physically worn out? Like personally speaking my son energy is wild he’s probably be happy thinking they’re playing 😭😭 that’s not okay! They use words like heavy load play or some shit like that the therapist said fill a basket and have him push it from on end to the other? I said wtf that’s kinda weird (grew up with physical whoppers and or heavy work) because it supposed to have him use all types of body muscles I still find it strange lol How as a mother or other person recording when the child is obviously looking towards the camera hoping they stop it and not record it. Bogus af
@H that’s what I seen to I think it’s the mom recording it’s so sad she was looking like help me and did nothing at all
@Daeja YESSSSS that’s really the biggest red flag. We all love a good present dad. But this did not hit the mark that they wanted smh.
Honestly think it’s disgusting. Asking his little girl to say yes sir aswel. That seems weird, he’s her father. He’s not teaching her respect, kindness, communication. He’s teaching her if you do something wrong I will force you to do this. It may make her behave, but what parent really wants their child to behave through fear or feeling like they have no choice. I hope by me teaching and supporting my child and providing them with safety, they will CHOOSE to do the right thing.
I'd report that to authorities.
I hope child services looks into this. If they felt comfortable enough putting this online, imagine what they do behind closed doors
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Exercise is not child abuse, in my opinion. We dont use exercise as punishment in my house, but my toddler does infact workout with me. 84 squats is definitely excessive if that's the case, but there's nothing wrong with having your child squat. https://youtube.com/shorts/g0KBYb097B0?si=7ee2qK1T6QqaGDdW
https://youtube.com/shorts/uuCz20cWDP4?si=5dKlR8Vs2bcZcJ0U Don't limit your children. My son loves running laps with me. He loves doing squats. Swimming aswell and will ask to workout.
And they are of course recording Sick motherfuckers She’s gonna see exercising as a punishment now? Like what??? In my opinion exercising shouldn’t be used as a punishment it just isn’t okay it’s something they do to ppl in the military not a 2 year old.
@Zero okay but that’s not being used as a punishment. She isn’t gonna love doing those things as it’s being used as punishment lol
I couldn’t even watch the whole thing.
@🩷 Patience 🩷 I get that, but some people see exercise in general as child abuse. Like they aren't capable of working out, and they shouldn't be. I hear it all the time. You shouldn't take your child on a hike, etc. I don't think kids should be taken away from a home because there parent made them do 7 squats tbh. 80 something or so is excessive but I would think consoling with a state therapist would be better then cps removing the child from the home.
@Zero it states it was 80 squats not just 7. The child was in distress this is like a 4 year old. It’s weird and isn’t healthy overworking your body especially a body this small. No one is saying exercise in general is abuse but using it as a punishment till the child is in distress is obviously not okay especially over something so minor as throwing a chicken nugget. Be fr.
@🩷 Patience 🩷 my child will litterally cry this loud because he can't go for a bike ride in the middle of a winter storm. Kids throw tantrums, they cry, and become in distress like this over everything. This is normal for this age group tbh. In the video, I'm hearing him count and 6 and 7 and 8. That's what I hear, not 83 idk where that came from. If I could see the comments, I'd investigate more. And we don't know the full context. Did they just throw it, or were they throwing it at a sibling. Did they make several attempts then decided to do the squats. I would rather as a child, do squats, then be forced into a corner or beaten like I was. Being hyper active that was litteral torture for me to be in time out. I feel every kid is different. But if not corrected they will be throwing food at school potentially at your kids. And I don't think that's good not to correct it in some way.
@Zero you don’t need context to know a child between 2-4 does not need to ever do 84 squats as a punishment. I’m sorry but all that’s doing is showing that exercise is a punishment and it’ll then develop into an unhealthy habit.
@Zero you can hear him say “eighty-“ before the number This isn’t healthy to use as a punishment it’s NOT okay. Other ways of correction can be used that isn’t beating a child or putting in a corner. This child wasn’t throwing a tantrum this child is in pain either way you don’t record this situation and post it for the world to see that is literally humiliation(per my psychology class learning) I feel bad for the kid.
That's actually disgusting what fuck 😕
And whole "yes sir" is just ...the tipping point and probably the mum is filming this too that just boils my blood ..it is abuse I don't care I'm saying it as I see it and people who think this is just some "tough love" crap...it is not amd it is not ok what has been filmed
@Zero and again overworking your body isn’t healthy. This can make someone pass out or even nose bleeds. This can also make her body sore and I’m sure that will hurt her. My fiancé works out and he still sometimes complains about his muscles hurting lol. And to add improper form as a child this age can’t do a proper form can cause joint irritation,injuries in back or knees,and even in hips. It also puts kidneys at risk if you push your muscles too hard. It can kill you.
@🩷 Patience 🩷 I mean, i agree don't record the child and put their punishment online for people to scrutinize because I kid you not my child will scream cry like this if I say the word no. And litterally, if anyone says no, he cries like this because he doesn't hear the word enough and guarantee people would think he is being abused and he isn't. I'm just saying I don't think it's physically possible for a child to do 80 something squats and I hear and not eight. So yes more context. Because I'm 100% positive a child cannot do 87 squats sounds outlandish to me. Your legs would definitely buckle.
@🩷 Patience 🩷 I agree over working body is terrible!
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@Liv i need context because someone can say we haven't eaten for days. And then they would say child abuse but if they are just unable to afford food it's not child abuse. If it was only 7 squats it's not abuse in my opinion. But we can agree to disagree.
@Zero click the link to the video they are agreeing the child did over 80 squats. The brother in the back literally said “80!?”
@🩷 Patience 🩷 okay thanks for context. Yes, that's crazy and excessive.
Is there any follow up on this? Is the poster the father?
My parents made me do squats in the corner even holding books as a child. As I got older I still enjoyed going to gym for those saying she won’t like to exercise. Yes 84 squats is a lot but she does need discipline.. this is why most of y’all’s children act a fool in public bc yall give no discipline and want to flag everything would yall rather he give her a a$ whooped in private w his grown man strength? She will be fine.
@Zero I don’t think anyone on here is saying “yes, do this instead of beating them!” Not sure you’ve understood people’s stance here.
I mean the amount is kinda dramatic but I agree with proper punishment like this yes.
This is physical chastisement. Just because he isn’t hitting her doesn’t mean it isn’t abuse. Disgusting.
1, I can’t stand it when people video their kids distressed and crying and then go ahead and post it for likes and engagement on social media it’s disgusting put the phone down and comfort your child 2, I don’t agree with this form of ‘discipline’ that’s a baby you’re literally just punishing her at this point. BUT I have a feeling that baby didn’t really do 80 sumthing squats I think these parents are so hungry for social media attention they just made out as if she did 80 something he probably just started counting at 80 to get the socials going crazy. Which makes them even more pathetic! But at least I’m hoping that little girl didn’t really do 80
@Chey cool a child needs discipline but this small is crazy there’s ways to discipline a child other than physical discipline and for throwing chicken nuggets come on that’s not a big deal she’s a baby
@Elena for a toddler that’s crazy smh
@Daeja for 3/4+ don’t think it is.
People just want to film everything these days. The fact he really thought this was cool is wild. I’m not sure I can get through that many squats but for a baby that’s not cool.
There’s better ways of teaching your child to have some respect and express that they don’t like something. Take the food away, make them clean up the mess they’ve made and teach them to use there words.. “Mum/Dad I don’t like or want nuggets tonight, can I have something else?” Don’t treat your BABY like they’re in some f’ing bootcamp and traumatise them. That’s vile.
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I can’t even watch this, it hurts my heart. She’s a literal baby, this is abuse.
That’s really disturbing actually