My little girl tends to have things like omelette and toast, veggie soup/puree with cheese on toast, crumpets with fruit (grapes/banana/blueberries/strawberries), and a yoghurt. Baked potato cut into big bite-sized pieces with cheese on top and fruit. Tuna pasta or pureed veggies on pasta with fruit and yoghurt. Steamed broccoli and carrots with mashed potato and finely cut chicken but I spoon feed this. You could do soft new potatoes or roasted potatoes cut into chips instead of mash for BLW but not sure how you'd prepare the chicken. Could also make some potato tots. She also has good quality fish fingers (bread crumbs taken off) with mash and veg. I'm going to try some oat muffins with organic peanut butter and banana one of these days. She also enjoys banana pancakes which is literally 1 banana, 1 egg, 2 table spoons of plain flour Try her meal plans she has great recipes.
I find it easiest just to give them what we are having