
Hello mommas So last Friday we had a pediatrician appointment and he told me he doesn’t want me giving a bottle right before bed. My baby always had a bottle right before bed and, honestly she only drinks milk before bed and middle of the night, during the day she prefers water. Seems a bit drastic to cut the bottle altogether and if I do then she’s rarely drinking milk. Anyone gives them a bottle before bed? Pediatrician told me he was not so worried about brushing the teeth but definitely didn’t want her having the bottle to rely to sleep…I don’t know how to change that.
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I thought we aren't supposed to give a bottle after 12 months like it's supposed to be transition to a sippy cup - what was the reason for your paediatrician saying this? Cause if it's not the reason above then I don't see why it's a problem 🤷🏻‍♀️

Every pediatrician says the same. We worked off the bottle during the day to just bed time and the occasional middle of the night. Slowly going to swap the bottle for a sippy cup and work on no milk to fall asleep. But personally. I'm not super worried, everything is baby led in our house. When she's ready for no bottle then she's ready. I'm not fighting a battle sooner then I need to.

Just also wanted to say no one actually "needs" milk after 12 months so I wouldn't worry if she's drinking less milk as she gets older xx

I see…she has straw cups but we kept giving the bottle with whole milk (after the transition) cause she seems to like it. We don’t go over 16oz a day anyway but yeah…I also thought it’s a fight I’m not sure worth having cause she’s been so fussy cause of her molars and I don’t want to cause unnecessary trauma by withholding the bottle. She drinks water from straw cups, she even drinks from regular cups (cause she loves to use ours) but the milk she always preferred the bottle.

I think the reason they say no bottles after 12 months is because it can affect their teeth/jaw development, but totally understand not wanting the unnecessary trauma and fight! 😭 I mean, eventually she's gonna grow out of it so I personally don't think it's a concern, esp if it's only before bed 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Kelsey This! It's your baby. Do what you want! Everyone has an opinion, including doctors! Not everything a doctor says is what you have to do with your child. Go with your gut instincts.

I go with what makes my girl comfortable,,, I brush her teeth at night and at morning

Well you dont just stop it. If it's something you want to do, start it slowly. Maybe give baby milk in a sippy cup and then start gradually introducing drinking from a regular cup.

Okay but what’s the difference between giving a bottle and giving a boob????

We transitioned to the 360 sippy cup before naps and bed. My little one likes it!

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