Mine just took my cup over the weekend and drank from it. She just turned 6 months
@Briana same thing just started! Started purees and she was going sooo much and now it’s little hard balls twice a day.
Our ped just told me I can start giving him water at his 6 month appointment. He was really enjoying having some last night.
@amy yes! It would be 2-3 times a day and now barely and when he does it’s hard balls of poop 😭
@Briana my cousin is on her fifth kid! ( I can barely handle one). She says most likely it’s constipation and to give like an ounce of apple or prune juice. Apparently once you start purées it makes them go alll the time. Then all of a sudden it makes them constipated. I’ve been giving her all different veggies and just started fruit and this started….
I let her drink small sips of water from my cup! She doesn’t like it in a bottle/straw so cup it is 😂 maybe 1/2 an oz I’d guess