Preventatitve cerclage UK

Going in for my cervical stitch tomorrow at 13 weeks due to an incompetent cervix which led me to loss my last baby at 22 weeks. Any tips or advice? Really nervous and scared! Going to ask to go under general
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I had mine done at 21 weeks and was terrified. It honestly was nowhere near as bad as I expected. Even the spinal was not that bad at all. Be prepared to see a little blood afterwards which is normal. I think I had spotting for a couple of days. It’s all done very quickly and you can’t feel anything. I rested for a couple of weeks after but I did get signed off for a total of 10 weeks after it and took it easy those 10 weeks. I had to stay in overnight due to an issue with my catheter so be prepared and pack overnight stuff just incase. Here if you have any questions x

It’s honestly not bad at all! Getting spinal is nerve wrecking but just focus on doing it for you baby. Lots of rest afterwards. You should also speak to you Dr about taking progesterone too as an extra precaution

I stayed in overnight too which was great and calmed my anxiety instead of having to go straight home!

@Kayleigh @Ava Hi guys! Had my cerclage it went as well as it could have. I had to get a spinal as I had a nasty cough but it wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. Also got kept overnight due to the catheter! But back home and taking it easy. Seeing a little blood but I’m sure that’s normal x

Ahh glad it all went OK for you. I honestly think the anticipation and the not knowing is the worst bit of it all. Did your catheter kink? Mine was and they didn’t check it for hours and when they finally did it was empty and when they moved it, it just filled up so quickly and did two changes! Therefore had to stay in due to potential risk to bladder. Luckily all was fine! Yes a bit of bleeding is totally normally after it xx

Amazing so happy for you. Now just rest as much as you possibly can 🤍

@Kayleigh I’m not actually sure! They just told me they wanted to wait until morning to remove it as they wanted to monitor my pee after for 4 hours and make sure enough urine was passed in the toilet! But all turned out okay and was discharged after that. Xx

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