Sounds like a stomach bug. The clear liquid will be stomach bile if he's throwing up on a relatively empty stomach. Just keep an eye on his feeds if he drinks less then half or what he usually has in a day for example normally has 30oz and only drinks 15oz then take to hospital or call 111. Keep an eye on wet nappies as well. If he doenst have a wet nappy for more then 12hrs or his wet nappies significantly decrease in 24hrs take to hospital or call 111 but other then offer him food and monitor for next 24hrs u can't do much else x
@Willow Thank you, I will keep an eye on him x
The water could be dribble x
@Rebecca I did think that as he’s showing signs of teething so maybe just swallowed lots of drool and brought it back up? I’m going to access how he is anyway just in case x
@Caitlin defo possible, my little one does this!
Maybe something just got stuck like an air bubble hence the puking and some clear bile. Sounds like it was just a one time thing so that’s okay. Ensure the pre-made formula not on recall but I’d say it’s just some odd thing that happened and nothing to worry about
Update: He had the whole 5oz bottle i just made, burped and wasn’t sick. I’ve changed him and he’s gone to sleep. Still not sure what the cause was for the clear liquid he brought up though. But he seems okay for now.