We also had it for at least 2 weeks and couldn’t figure it out! It’s gone back to normal now though
Thank you ladies! @Hannah @Hollie ♥️ he is due to turn 7 months on the 29th so hopefully with that some better sleep will follow on. Feel like I’m in the 4 month trenches again 🫠
This can be overtiredness so might need more sleep - I had it for months and got out of it by very gentle sleep training and of course sticking to wake windows!
@Gunes my girl is 7 months on the 29th too! Except this month where there isn’t one 😂 We usually have false starts if she is overtired
@Lauryn LOOL yes! OMG mum brain 🫠😂 will definitely try to see if putting him down 5-10 mins earlier works x @Cass
@Gunes I can’t decide whether to count it from 28th or 1st March now 😂 think I’m going to go with 1st 🤔😂
When my baby is due bedtime, we don’t rock him, only for his naps. We just make sure we’re near by to put his dummy back in again until he falls asleep himself. We found this works for us. We also time it so his bedtime is his next nap. If that makes sense.
@Lauryn same! I was having this exact same conversation with my mum the other day 😂 I’m going with the 1st too ☺️
@Wallis ah that’s so good. When our LO was using the dummy we did teach him to fall asleep on his own but then got rid of the dummy at 4.5 months old and since then it’s a different story as he sleeps longer stretches without the dummy but needs more assistance to actually go to sleep. I am slowly going b to try to gently get him to settle but will definitely be a process. Thanks so much ☺️
@Gunes or it may be that he needs more day sleep x
@Gunes @Lauryn my little boy is also 7 months on the 29th… or 28th/1st because we don’t have a 29th this month as you say! We’re getting the same false start thing but he’s going down easily enough after the second put down
I had this for weeeeks. She eventually started sleeping like normal again and I tried everything. Just wanted to say, it will get better!