Baby rice has no nutritional value whatsoever complete waste of time. Unless medically necessary I’d wait till 6 months+ x
It’s your decision at the end of the day. I know plenty of people who have started weaning their babies at 4 month mark and they are completely healthy children now. As for baby rice, I must agree with Amy it has no nutritional value and loads of sugar, so not the best food to start with.
If you can I would contact the health visitor for advice as they will probably be more helpful than the GP. I've known a couple of people give baby rice or porridge at 4 months but it was after discussing it with their health visitors and deciding it would be beneficial for baby and mother.
I've been told to start weaning at 17 weeks due to extreme reflux and low weight. We've been told to avoid baby rice ect as it's not nutritional. Said to start with simple veg. If baby isn't ready then I wouldn't be weaning. Have you tried different bottles? My little one won't take dr brown, tommee tippee, nuk, advent, she will only take mam. And it has to be a size 1 teat or she'll get frustrated it's too slow or frustrated she can't control the flow. I also have to warm bottles up warmer than your meant to, or she won't take it. We have to have a bottle a day for her laxatives.
I’ll be weaning my little girl from 4 months. I did the same with my boy. He’s absolutely fine. Eats everything in site, not fussy at all and he’s thriving. X
@Kaylee she’s had mam on and offsince birth , never had a problem with them, all of a sudden she just won’t take it and screams the house down!! even tho she took it for my mum not that long ago! we’ve tried tommee tippee and she just plays with the teat in her mouth like she does a dummy, doesn’t actually suck. we tried mam the other day, and she sucked it a few times but got angry… i have tried warmer than normal too.. im at my wits end!! x
It might be the size teat that’s the problem with the mam bottle all of a sudden. We have had this recently where LO screamed if given a size 0. Took a while to work out why but bought some size 2s and she took those fine. Seems to be getting fussy with size 1s now as well so I think we will be stopping those soon and buying some more 2s or even 3s.
The ways to see if your baby is ready for food is to do these activities with them: Can they sit independently? Can they put objects to their mouth? Sitting is the most important one. Nearer to 6 months is recommended as they can sit mostly unaided by then. Hope that helps!