I like the Amazon 1s white with purple on
Huggies are the best I've tried and you can get them cheap in bulk at costco 😊 x
Aldi wipes are really cheap and really good Come quite wet too
I order mama bear on amazon
We bought a set of washable wipes for £25 from Cheeky Wipes and haven’t spent a penny since. For dirty nappies we use a wet cotton wool pad to get the worst off. I find we get a much better clean this way - wet wipes just go to shreds in my hands 😂
I’ve always used mamia - aldi wipes. They also do a sensitive range. They come in boxes of 6 and cheap! Huggies give all my children such sore skin. I’ve also found Morrisons wipes really good but my local only done boxes of them once at a baby event. Home bargains actually do decent wipes too in boxes xx
Mama bear from Amazon
Aldi or Asda for me, I’ve ordered the Amazon ones this time to try though. Never got on with pampers, Huggies, Tesco, Boots
We use Huggies pure but didn’t start using wipes until she was about 6 months old. Cotton balls/pads and warm water until then
Huggies! They don't dry out very quickly and I've found I get just one wipe at a time instead of a huge clump!
Boots own fragrance free wipes
Mamia also x
Cloth wipes!
I saw ones on amazon that are meant to be good im thinking of trying them this time x
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I really like lidls wipes but i dont know if you can buy them in bulk. We buy maybe 5-6packets every month. I've tried water wipes and actually really disliked them, but you'll probably find your own preference.
Cloth 100%! I got a full cheeky wipe set brand new off Vinted, Aldi also do cloth wipes & Bambino Mio. 100% better for clean ups, babies butt, your wallet & the environment! 🤟🤟
We get the pampers aqua. They usually have them on offer at boots for the big box of them. Think around £10 when they're on offer? Never have any issues with them drying out in the packet yet and baby is 10 months.
I have used huggies since wee one was born and really like wouldn't use any other wipes. I buy in bulk on amazon or when on offer in supermarkets. I found water wipes too dry and just didn't clean very well. X