I don’t look at anything on tik tok so not sure what people are saying but I know I’ve recently started co sleeping and all I’ve got from family face to face is “ohhh you’re building a rod for your own back!” And “slippery slope! Don’t get into bad habits!” It’s a bit like some of the comments around breast feeding and the obsession with formula I’ve found and sleeping through the night! Really p*sees me off, it’s not really anyone’s business
I didn’t co sleep from birth. I co slept from around 9-10 months old. I think safe sleep education is so important and I have seen videos on safe positions and then comments shaming. Whats more important is that people know what safe co sleeping looks like over what comments say! I don’t really care what people say tbh as I’m educated
I got told I’m a terrible mother for following my instincts about co-sleeping.
@Lauren yeah its same with breastfeeding 100% !!
Fuck tiktok lmao.
I don't care what people say cause I love to snuggle my toddler. They are only little for so long!
Ive coslept since birth my daughter will be 2 next week. I agree these people dont want facts that safe cosleeping exists they want a Superiority complex thinking they know more about our own kids than me do.
I think it’s a western world thing for people to be against it. I grew up in the Caribbean where cosleeping is commonly practiced and safely at that. Do accidents still happen? Yes. But cosleeping has been a thing since the beginning of time. A lot of what moms are shamed for nowadays stopped being the norm only a few decades ago 🤷🏾♀️
@Lauren i think I’m just going to delete tiktok because it’s full of moms shaming others. I’m sorry that your family reacted that way, it’s better to get sleep then to be sleep deprived taking care of your babies, and if that’s the only way that works for us, we do what we have to do.
@Trish this is so true!
Tbh, I dont really use tiktok anymore and I stopped using it for months because I didnt find it to be a very nice place!
@Becky yes I completely understand. I’ve even had some bad experiences with people on this app as well.
@Emma You’re a great mother, all five my children have slept with me.
@Kristy the way I see it, I’m a primate, primates keep their babies close. I will do the same and will not force independence onto her. She will find her independence in her own time. X
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@Emma Yes exactly
I am really glad I didn’t know about this app until around 6 months tbh or it would not have been nice place to be during earlier times
@Kristy that’s amazing!! I loved co sleeping with both my babies, currently preg with #3 and will also co sleep!
Since the dawn of human time mothers have been "cosleeping" and it's worked perfectly fine up until these scientists got involved. All around the world they still do it in Asia, Africa etc so why is it such a taboo amongst the modern western world. I'd love to see a cavewoman out their baby in a cot in the cave at night 😂. Do what's right for you mammas 💛
I did it from about 2 months on because my daughter wouldn’t sleep on her own and no one seemed to realize I wasn’t actually getting any sleep. I made the best decision for us. EBF, full term baby, so we fit the requirements.
It’s more of a western thing to shame for co sleeping I’ve constantly been shamed and given pamphlets on how it’s bad but doing my own research on other cultures and the benefits of it
We are a cosleeping household! I think as long as people are educated on safe sleep and what not, it’s perfectly fine! I do not listen or take advice from Tik tok or Facebook mom groups because they are toxic, nasty, and unnecessary. Either way, everyone parents differently and has their own rules so there is no “right” way to do things.
I try my best to have baby in her own crib just because it’s comfier for me! But if at any time she isn’t settling am I gunna put her in my bed just so I can get better sleep hell yeah! 🤣 I wish I had a bigger bed I’d probably have her in it more I just tend to put her in after her morning feed
@Brenda totally agree!!
Do what works for you! Nobody is perfect and no one knows it all, what works for one may not work for another..