@Lauryne my baby is gaining weight GREAT, so I know I have enough for feeding him. Last night at bedtime he ate 2 ounces in a bottle and I pumped 6.5 (between both breasts). She mentioned that once I regulate around 12 weeks she thinks I might dip below what he’s requiring due to going awhile between emptying each breast because they aren’t both emptied each feeding. My goal is to make it a year, and she doesn’t foresee that happening if I continue feeding one side each time.
As long as you’re fed, hydrated, and generally healthy, there’s no reason you won’t make enough milk for him, your body will always tailor the milk and make the exact amount he needs, emptying the breast more than he is will just create an oversupply
You’re breastfeeding on demand and lactation consultant advised you to also pump? Why? Do they think you’re having supply issues? It’s 100% normal to nurse on one side per feed. I’ve never offered both breasts in my 2 years EBF