Yesss yesterday my depression was bad I was crying for everything and just couldn’t keep it together
Totally... Not doing good at home all day just with the baby
Girl it was and I finally decided to go on antidepressants
I'm here if anyone needs to talk 💖 @Danielle I'm already on 2 🫠
Yes it’s the worse
Yesssss winter sucks
Yes. Thought I was okay but it just comes in waves sometimes.
Yep yep yep
It could be SAD, it always hits me hard this time of year. We need sunshine!
I'm so sorry everyone is having a hard time. 🫶
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Yes, depression is worse now that my partner with depression left me and my son.
I am on fence about antidepressants. I heard it makes u gains weight and I can't afford to gain more right now
@Sneha i know it's different with everyone, but I didn't gain weight!
@Dorina I'm so so sorry🥺
I was suggested Zoloft. I am pregnant too so am not sure :(
Low vitamin b and low vitamin d. Saved my life to get on high quality supplements.
My postpartum kicked in 2 days ago. Currently sitting in the sunshine till the big sad subsides
@Sneha i was put on a low dose of zoloft and an anxiety med while pregnant. It helped and both were safe
I'm scared to be put on meds cuz I know my ex would use it againt me in court do any of yall deal w this
@Victoria did u gain weight on Zoloft
@Sneha im in recovery from an eating disorder so i dont check my weight. Plus being pregnant it was hard to tell. If weight gain is a concern i really like being on quetipine however it is a common side effect of being appetite supresant. Luckly i dodged that symptom. It makes me hella thirsty tho!
@Victoria congrats on the little one 🫶
Yes ma’am! But it’s on and off. A few days last week were just bad. Feel good past couple of days tho
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I've been depressed for a while now. Ever since me and my friend stopped hanging out I just been feeling so lonely and always over thinking. It's an off and on thing but I'm managing.
Oh yes!
Yeah about that… I’m in total denial