Settling in nursery

We’re you allowed to stay in the room when your baby had their first settling in session (1hour long)?
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Haven’t had it yet but the first session is 45 minutes long and I can stay

Yes we did with our first one and she is about to start preschool and even let us stay for that first session as well not started this one at nursery yet

Yes, I did all the paperwork whilst he played. Then I left him for 30 minutes. His second settling in session is tomorrow for 2 hours.

I’ve been told I’ll stay for the first one yes

I stayed for 10 mins but it’s was pointless because he acted as if I wasn’t even there 😂

Got our settling sessions next week, first hour I’m there the whole time, 2nd I’m there half the time and 3rd I’m not there. They have given me the option to have more sessions as well if me/ baby need them, my little one is 9 months

We’ve just been today and I went in the room with her then when she seemed pretty settled after about 5/10 mins I left to do some paperwork but could see her through a little window 😂 she cried for about 5/10 mins after I left but then settled so I left her to it till she cried again about 30 mins later then went and got her because I knew she was wanting a nap. We’ve got another 2 Thursday and Friday this week and she’ll be there for 2 hours and I’m leaving her and after today I feel pretty happy they’ll be able to settle her!

No. My baby goes in twice for an hour and we don’t stay

I stayed the first time and filled in paperwork - the next times I didn’t, but I genuinely find they cry more being able to see their mum.. thankfully mine has smashed her days at nursery xx

I stayed for our very first 1hr session but they did give me the option to leave if I wanted to. After that, he got dropped off by himself.

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