My c section is booked for 24th I've had all my meetings and I was adamant I was having it I will be 39 weeks but they think she is measuring bigger so might end up being brought forward a week earlier we will find out on Monday 3rd x
I’m currently 26 weeks and my elective section has been booked for 39 weeks! I weighed up the pros and cons for me, and decided section was the best option! Everyone’s different but speak to your consultant and just go with what feels right for you and your baby xxx
I really had a positive c section experience. But I'll be honest my date was changed. I only booked it in at 38 weeks, planned for it to be 6 days later but we got there and they were too busy so after waiting all day they sent us home and we went back the next day. So it's not a guaranteed date, even though my c section was advised due to medical reasons, they weren't severe enough for an emergency so I was bumped
I’ve had 2 and loved them both. Very calm, happy and no trauma. I had skin to skin for 2 hours straight away starting in theatre, had music on, delayed cord clamping, video camera rolling. Lots of laughter in the room and a really nice experience. I felt safe, I was cared for amazing and I recovered fast. Happy to answer any questions!