
Hey everyone! I’m due May 1st and I just had a phone call today discussing my birth preferences in which I specified I really want a VBAC. Because of the risk of the scar rupturing from past cesarean, the said they would want to book me in for an induction before 41 weeks if I didn’t go into labour naturally before then. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this and when you know more about an induction date? I appreciate I’m only 31 weeks so not expecting something tomorrow 😃
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I just sorted my birth plan out today I’m currently 33+1 and I’m going to be booked in for an induction at 39 weeks on the dot. My situation is a little different as my consultant has let me choose if I wanted 38/39/40 due to things that happened in my last birth but from what I’ve heard from others (I’ve read soooo many induction experiences trying to decide if I want one lol) you will have a midwife appointment at 40 weeks where you will typically be offered a sweep and they will likely book you in for the end of that week. Good luck I’m desperately hoping for a VBAC too🤞🏻

Do you want an induction? The chance of a successful VBAC is much lower if induced. And the chance of rupture is about 0.5%. My consultant has said that they monitor much more with trial of labour after csection and at the first sign of a potential rupture, they'd take me for a section. It's scary but I don't think it's the huge risk it's sometimes made out to be.

@Robyn I basically think I was made to have a c-section when it wasn’t necessary with my first. I was very naive and panicked so I’m very adamant I don’t want a section unless absolutely necessary! She did read out all the risks and I do feel like she was pushing me towards a section again but I’d like to be given the chance! I honestly don’t really want an induction as they actually induced me with my first before deciding section was the way forwards and it was very painful for me lol. But it’s a risk I was willing to take as a step before surgery but will take it as it comes as who knows what will happen on the day!

@Eve I honestly don’t want an induction if I’m honest. I was induced with my first before they decided to take me to surgery instead (don’t believe I needed a cesarean at all I think they were probably under staffed or something!!). Anyway the experience was pretty painful and I know risks are greater if you’re induced but I think if it comes to it I will go for it as really want to be given the chance to birth naturally… guess we’ll see when it comes to it x

I have a consultant appointment at 40 +1 where they will schedule me for induction that week if I haven't spontaneously gone into labour by then. I have the same risks with scar rupture and they should have told you induction does slightly increase that same risk but still very small

@Mia 🌼 ah this is what I was looking for! She spoke really fast and I think this is pretty much what she said to me… this was a telephone app today so should I expect it to be discussed further and how soon? X

@Mia well I'm 39 weeks today and there's no solid plan for me to be induced yet because I am hoping to go into labour spontaneously. But if I make it to 40+1 we will set a date for induction then. If you want to discuss it sooner I'm sure you could, I'm just opting not to make any decisions about it yet and the consultant seemed fine with that. But also they can't force you to be induced, it's entirely your choice x

@Mia 🌼 ah perfect, thank you for sharing and good luck with your journey 🩷

@Mia it’s such a hard decision. Hopefully you will go into spontaneous labour before you even have to think about booking one🤞🏻 I really want to wait for Labour but my consultant won’t let me Labour at home 😞 I joined a group on fb called VBAC support group UK which might be a good place for you to post this & see what other people have done I’ve found it really helpful seeing other peoples experiences and what options they have gone with xx

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