Labour Times.

Hello all! Just trying to mentally prepare myself as I feel worried about horror stories I’m getting due to me being plus size with a high BMI. How long were your labours and did you have to be induced or was it natural? Thanks!
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I was induced due to preeclampsia and I can honestly tell you I had the most relaxed experience! I know some people really do have horror stories but all I can say it really go with the flow and trust your gut. I think it also depends on the midwife you get too! Mine was so lovely that I actually cried when she left and I took gifts in for her when I had healed. My labour from the breaking my waters to my daughter being in my arms was 10 hours. However, things really didn’t start ramping up until the hormone drip went in. If we take it from that then it was just shy of 7 hours x

1st baby - waters broke at 1am, contractions instantly 3 in 10 mins, baby born 6am, 38+5 (5 hours) 2nd baby - induced at 38+1, balloon inserted 1pm, baby born 1am (12 hours but baby born 45 min after waters broke)

I was induced as my waters broke 2 weeks early. Honestly- it was no different to any other induction for anyone else, still able to have epidural etc with no problems at all. Don’t let them worry you! Your birth is what you make it xx

Natural for me and was in labour for around 5hrs that was 4cm- birth xz

I’m not sure how much it was due to a high BMI, but I did have Gestational Diabetes with both pregnancies. Also, every delivery is different. 1st baby: 40+1, water broke at 4am and contractions started right away and then stalled after a few hours. Was put on pitocin but after 16 hours I was only at 1cm. Got the epidural which helped my body relax enough to progress. Developed an infection/fever around 28 hours in (5cm), but luckily they were able to get it down. I had pressure around 33 hours, but because it wasn’t “in my butt,” they didn’t check me til 35ish hours and said I was finally ready to push. Pushing took about an hour and wasn’t that bad. I did tear though because I was swollen and he had a huge head. I also had uterine atony and the treatment for it was very unpleasant, but overall we both made it out okay. Recovery took a while.

(Continued) 2nd baby: everyone said “your second always comes quicker.” LIES 😅. I was induced at 39+3 weeks out of precaution and because they thought he was going to be bigger than my 1st (8lbs 6oz). When I came in I was already contracting, but it was irregular and I was only dilated to a 1 again. They attempted a cooks balloon to help my cervix dilate, but it took FOUR painful attempts before they got it in at the 16 hour mark and it made the contractions absolute agony. However, it did help my dilate to 4cm after having it in for about 6 hours. I had nitrous aka laughing gas from about 20 hours-32 hours, but it barely touched the pain. They broke my water to help things progress more so I got the epidural before they popped it because I knew it would make the contractions more painful. At around 39 hrs I was fully dilated. I pushed for less than 30mins and he slid right out. He was over a full pound lighter than my 1st and his head was much smaller too so recovery was a breeze.

Natural. Thursday i felt heavy and like I was going to be sick. Friday i was st and appointment and the surges were very very uncomfortable but then by the afternoon they were gone. Saturday I woke up and just knew it was labour but from Thursday to Saturday lunch time I remained 2cm. I went in the pool at about 3pm and they said I was only 2cm. Baby was born an hour later

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