We did the chemicals under the kitchen sink but my toddler figured out how to open them so we taught her not to touch them.
@Chey you mean they still figure out how to open them .what is the point then 😭
Technically not everything in the house because I still havent bothered to babyproof the bathroom or kitchen. But those areas are completely gated off so no children can go in without an adult. My son would find a way to hurt himself in an empty padded room and can defeat most to all baby proofing anyways. Hopefully my daughter isn't the same way because its been rough.
Ehhh I would say about 70% of things
only the chemical cabinet and for a few months we had a baby gate at the top of the stairs until he got more comfortable going down them and wouldn’t just barrel roll down them (which did happen one time 😂 scared the shit out of me lol)
@Offy they watch and learn by example. By the time they open it themselves, they’re ready to my taught that chemicals are dangerous and shouldn’t be touched.
I did all the kitchen cabinets and corners of tables and stuff. Also added baby gates on the kitchen doors and just made sure that any wires/ chargers were always unplugged when not used and put away.
Yes. I think it’s important for kids to be able to explore and a part of that is making the home safe
Only did a gate to keep them out of the kitchen , everything else we just put it up & made sure to teach them not to touch certain things just in case.
@Chey my son was opening cabinets by 10 months old a ten month old absolutely doesn’t understand “this is dangerous don’t touch”
Why would you not baby proof the whole house? I don't enjoy constantly being on guard in case my kids wander out of the designated safe areas haha. Our house is Fort Knox because I need to get stuff done and not worry about them being independent
@Lydia you can definitely teach 6 month plus children not to touch things they aren’t suppose to.
@Chey I disagree but hey ho! I still think moving stuff where it can’t be reached is safer. If social services were called for any reason and you had bleach where a 6 month old could reach it, they wouldn’t accept the line “I’ve taught them not to touch it”
@Lydia 6 months old is when you introduce boundaries and the concept of using “no”. If you’re consistent on setting those boundaries, your 10 month old would’ve had an understanding when they got to the age of opening cabinets.
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We have a baby gate in the living room and one upstairs (on the stairs). We put the protective rubber things on two corners of the dining table, two child proof locks on the detergent cabinet , one on the fridge and one on the freezer. The sockets that she can reach are all in use, so I taped the fuses so she can’t turn them on and off. That’s it
We do it as we go, if we find something that he's getting into or is causing an issue then we babyproof it but it's mostly cupboards and doors and things
Just a stair gate and corner bumpers on cabinets. Our cleaning stuff is in a utility room with a doorknob he can't open. We taught him the only kitchen cupboard he can open is the tupperware one and the drawer with his bowls and bibs etc the rest he knows not to
I locked up the things that needed it (cleaners, breakables, etc) but I encourage her to be independent so she has a snack drawer that she can open easily (of course she can’t eat or open snacks without help). Our dog has a drawer with toys and treats that she will help us pick something out on occasion. She loves playing with the pots and pans as well as rearranging our cabinet with pantry items.
I had locks on cupboards with anything dangerous in like cleaning products and a stair gate on the stairs. That was it.
Just outlets, locks on cabinets, chemicals and glass stuff out of reach
Locks on kitchen cupboards and a baby gate on the stairs, although we already had this for the house rabbit 😂
We have Locks on the cabinet that require a magnet to open them. And locks on the gas stove knobs. Other than those and a baby gate at the top of the stairs cause for whatever reason the stairs to the basement are just there in the living room. We haven’t bothered unless they ar getting into something and not following redirections.
I never baby proofed except two cabinets with cleaners in them and baby gates by the stairs. My son knew "no" by the time he was seven months old.
We baby proofed the bathroom doors and the doors to outside, put baby gates at our steps and laundry room, and he has one at his bedroom door so we can trap him in there when we need to. We also plan to baby proof the kitchen cabinets because our son doesn't listen whatsoever, but we have yet to find locks that work. We are thinking about getting toilet locks for them 😂
I mean I secured furniture incase she climbed if I wasn't around. I have the cabinets locked that have chemicals. I have a different lock at the top of the front and yard door. I have electric outlet covers on. There's a gate at the kitchen entrance.
Nope. I put up baby gates to keep him in the main area since we have a ton of steps. Otherwise not baby proofed. I think I have like 3 outlets with the covers and that’s it. We watch him closely, but we’re very much an it’s not dangerous, just an inconvenience house so he’s free to do as he pleases. He particularly like our strainers. 🤣
My son is 2.5 and we're still babyproofing. Lately he has been strong enough (or curious enough) to open up the fridge on his own and just start taking stuff and carrying around or dumping it out 🙃
Where they frequent yes most of it is where they don’t frequent most of it isn’t but we use 3 baby gates on the first floor of our home to keep them out of certain areas consistently
I clicked everything in the house but by that I mean we child proofed whatever need be, which wasn’t like “every item in the house” it was like cabinets LMFAOOO