
Okay mums, truthfully how are we handling toddler tantrums here because I’m in the trenches 😣 My daughter can be as sweet as pie one minute and a total demon the next. We were cuddling on the sofa and all of a sudden, she flipped and started pulling my hair and tried to drag me off the sofa. She’ll also be happily playing one minute, get up to go over to her baby brother who’s only 7 week and take a swipe at him. It’s so upsetting. She also screams like a banshee when I don’t let her have another biscuit. I just completely ignore it and continue what I’m doing (I hope that’s okay to do) 😬 Is this just normal toddler behaviour? When does it stop because I feel like I’ve done something wrong..
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Completely normal for this age, they are testing boundaries and trying to regulate their emotions. My girl can be perfectly fine one minute and the next flip out, throw herself to the floor and bang her head against the floor constantly. I also have a 5 month old and she will try and hit, bite, kick, pull her hair when she doesn’t get her own way. We have started putting her in her cot for a time out and that seems to be working. It’s bloody hard this age.

Honestly I just wait it out. I make sure she knows I’m there and do deep breathing myself and make sure my facial expression stays neutral/positive. If I join in and say ‘oh no’, say anything in a high pitched voice, or have a negative facial expression she gets worse. So I keep my voice calm and once she realises im calm she also calms down, have a look into co-regulation. I wouldn’t say I exactly ignore it, but I don’t try to talk her out of it or anything like that, you can’t use logic or tell them ‘it’s okay’ when they’re in that panic state, they just need calmness from you, think of emotions as if they’re contagious and project what you want her to feel 💗

I try to stay calm and thankfully not too many tantrums - but I’d be lying if I said I always stayed calm and positive x

Ok so I got a tip from a book - draw a picture of a face expressing the emotion, describe the emotion and that you understand that's how they are feeling. Then you can progress from sad crying face to frown, then a smile. Mine likes me to draw tongues on the faces then she sticks her tongue out. The first time I did this my husband asked if I had hypnotised her 😂

Children communicate through play, I find it really helpful to almost laugh my little one out of it, if that makes sense, means he can recover from the negative emotions and you can offer containment to get them back to a point where they can learn to regulate their emotions. Hope this helps xx

Yes perfectly normal My son is like this too

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