Elected C or not?!

I have to make a decision by tomorrow if I have an elected c section or not. I’ve had hip issues in the past and that’s why I was referred to the consultant a few weeks ago. I keep changing my mind on what to do! Just wondering if anyone else has struggled to make a decision and what other people opinions are? I know I have to make the decision but I am really struggling!
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Can I ask what sort of hip problems? I would say if ur pelvis is small the section as it be hard for baby to get though if its hip pain I would say natural but ultimately it’s ur choice x

Of course, I had surgery to remove cartilage in my right hip joint.

Why do you have to decide by tomorrow? My midwife talked about the BRAIN model for weighing up options - Benefits? Risks? Alternatives? Instincts? Nothing? (I only agreed to a caesarean at 42 weeks when ultrasound showed baby was frank breech, so it’s never too late for a change of plan!!)

I had an elective section just because I wanted one. Honestly, the BEST most calm, controlled, quick experience. Recovery was easier than I’d anticipated but I followed every bit of advice and took it easy whilst still moving around x

Do what you feel is right . Go with your gut your make the best choice for you . I hope all goes well with what ever you decide

@Maeve I’ve had 4 weeks to decide 🙈 tomorrow I am back with her and she can get it booked in if I go for the elected. I’m back and forth all the time, going through the benefits/risks on both sides. My physio suggested a water birth but the hospital only has one birthing pool so that being available is quite possible low!

@Marissa so many friends that have had elected say the same thing! All my emergency c section friends also say go for the elected. I think it’s the recovery time that worries me the most!

@Jo hoping tomorrow it’ll just come to me 🤣

@Kate it definitely will . Just work out all the facts you need

@Kate that’s a shame bcos i had a water birth with my first and it was the smoothest delivery, it felt calm and serene, it helped ease the pain of contractions (the midwife told me water is a natural pain relief which i didn’t know and was completely shocked when i entered the water lol!) maybe if you have any questions etc, write them down for tomorrow and maybe you can ask your consultant to help you make the decision as you’re super torn? she’ll know best what’s best for you based on your medical info etc xxx

@Kate personally, my wisdom tooth extraction was a worse recovery in terms of pain and discomfort. I was driving 3 weeks post c section and was out having lunch/ coffee dates at 6 days postpartum, I’d say I would get tired after about 1-2 hours out of the house. We had a 48 hour stint in children’s hospital due to jaundice on day 2-3 as well so I was up and down in the car more than I probably should’ve been. Alls I will say is, you don’t know any different if it’s your first baby x

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