4.15-4.45 xx
Our schedule is waking up at 8, nap 10-11, nap 2-3, nap 6-7 and bed at 9, she sleeps 10-11 hours a night 😊
5:30/6- 6:30/7
About 5-5:30. It's only a short one to get through to a 7pm bedtime
Wake: 7am 1st nap: 9:15-10 2nd nap: 12:20-2:20 3rd nap: 4:45-5 Bed: 7pm
Last nap around 5-6 xx
4 or 3:30pm.. and because he wakes up so early, that is his last nap. And we’ve made it so his bedtime is now 6:30/7pm which is when his next nap should be.. So he wakes up at 6:30am after a lovely 12hr sleep 😅
From around 4:30-5 and then bed at 7:30ish.. normally 2 and a half hours after he wakes up from his last nap
4.30-5 then bath, bottle, bed 7pm bedtime🥰
3:30-4:30 bedtime routine starts at 6 pm bed at 7 pm
@Cara my god, what I wouldn’t do for a two hour lunchtime nap 🙈
he has a long nap late afternoon and will wake around 5:30/6 xx
Wake 7am, Nap 8 30am - 10am Nap 12pm- 12 45pm Nap 2 45pm- 3 30pm Nap 5 30pm- 6pm Bedtime 8pm/8 30pm
Bedtime at 8pm so naps between 5-6 no later than 6pm though x
Around 5-630 xx